Centennial Celebration
By Fran Simmons | July 21, 2016
Closing in on our 100th Birthday, we note the third week of July in 194 Miss Margaret Harris from Waynesboro, Tennessee, conducted the first Vacation Bible School at Liberty Baptist. A large number of children were enrolled. She came many times after to lead and instruct our church on reaching children for Christ. Since that sunnier of 1942, Liberty has continued to hold a Vacation Bible School.
After the war had ended, Bro. C. A. Hess was called as pastor in June of 1947. Great technological advancement had opened new doors for our community. By this time motion pictures, telephones, automobiles, and even cameras were common place in Florence, but electricity had just begun to stretch its wire into our community. In October, 1947, our church building was wired for the miracle of electric power.
Up until this time Liberty was only able to hold services one weekend a month, but with the new availability of transportation and electric lighting, she decided to hold services the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month.
As the church continued to grow, they decided to build a new building. In 1948, Rev. E. Floyd Olive, a former pastor of Liberty, and well-known evangelist, was invited to hold a Stewardship Revival. The Holy Spirit poured out His blessing and many people committed to give.
On April 23, 1950, the first worship service was held in the new brick building on the same site. The new building included a sanctuary and six Sunday School rooms.
One year later the church voted to hold services each Lord’s day. This major step in faith has strengthened the church in her mission. With weekly meetings, much more work for Christ could be accomplished.
In May of 1952, the church celebrated her 100th birthday. The centennial celebration of life and fellowship was a day to remember. It was a day to remember the Brush Arbor Camp Meetings. It was a day to give thanks for the prevailing Grace of God that had held them together through civil war, a great depression, and two world wars. What a way to celebrate by having 100 people in Sunday School which preceded a great worship service, dinner on the ground, and a good Gospel singing
Praise be to God for 100 years of growing love, greater unity, and living proof!