The Turn Of The Century
By David Taylor | July 21, 2016
By 1900 the world was planting the seed for industrial revolution. Liberty, on the other hand was planting seeds of another kind. She was preparing for a harvest of souls. The first great harvest came only 20 years later as we will see.
There was a great love for people in our church during this time. The records tell us of many love offerings given to those in need. Gifts were sent for causes ranging from the sick, the bereaved, missions, and sister churches who had lost their building by natural causes.
In 1904, the Florence Baptist Association met at Liberty for the 17th Annual Session. The moderator was our former pastor, C. C. Winters. The Secretary was Rev. R. E. Paulk, who was licensed to preach at Liberty, and the Treasurer was Rev. Joe W. Versy, the present pastor of Liberty. It is reported that Rev. Versey presented a handsome gavel to the Association speaker, Rev. R. H. Tandy. Churches meeting at Liberty in this year were Florence, East Florence, Union Grove, Mt. Pleasant, New Hope, Gravely Springs, Waterloo, and Oakland. The Clerk was requested to read the constitution. In Section 2, the name Florence Baptist Association was changed to Lauderdale Baptist Association.
In 1911, our pastor was Rev. L. N. Brock who also served as Associational Missionary. From the late 1800’s until his death in 1911. John L. Austin served as Church Clerk.